The triumphant team…. the "COTSWOLD WOOL GATHERERS" complete the Back to Back Challenge in an amazing 11hours 17 mins raising £2,450 for the Macmillan Cancer Support 👏👏👏

Back-to-Back 2024

Preparing for “The Back to Back Cotswold Wool Gatherers” fundraiser for Macmillan Cancer Support - see link below

Back to Back preparation

Back to Back Cotswold Wool Gatherers fundraiser for Macmillan Cancer Support

  November 30th Painswick House Hotel

Afternoon Tea to celebrate the BIG Birthdays missed during lockdown.

Much fun was had by all - thank you Angie and Gaynor for organising the event.


Wild Woolly Women – Annual Report 2022

We are still a vibrant knitting group in spite of the Pandemic which saw the cancellation of our face -to-face meetings.  There have been changes and challenges and I am attempting to make a record of some of them before they disappear from memory.

Where we meet

We continue to meet at the Guide Headquarters in Cowley, but only the first Wednesday morning of each month.  The second Wednesday we meet at the Jolly Nice on the Stroud Road.  The third Wednesday at the Stroud Brewery (a new venue for us) and the fourth Wednesday at the Organic Farm shop, Cirencester.  Thanks to our computer wizz associate WWW, David Spencer, we now have these dates as an app on our phones – no excuse for not to know where we should be!  If you haven't got it on your 'phone speak to David or Angie.    Membership is fluid – some attend at a venue nearer their home and others venture further afield, but all are valued Wild Woolly Women!


Due to the increase cost of hiring the room at the GG HQ  (but it is still excellent value), we have had to increase our subs at Cowley to £3 and it is anticipated that this will rise to £4 in 2023, but it still includes electricity and, of course, home-made tea and cake(s).  Trudy continues to keep the voluntary rota of cake-makers!  Thanks to all.

Charity Projects

Throughout the year most of us have been involved in charity projects.  For Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee, we made patriotic bunting and flowers for South Cerney Church's celebrations.  We have made 'Proper Purple' (the exact name of the colour required) cardigans 10” and 12” chest-size and hats for Gloucester Royal Hospital Prem Baby Unit.  Purple is the colour of Peace and  the colour chosen to celebrate World Prem Baby Day on the 17th November.  Not a shade we would have chosen.

Some of our crocheted blankets with floral decorations made their way to COP27 Environmental Conference in Glasgow.  Other colourful blankets have been donated to the Salvation Army for their Christmas parcels given to disadvantaged people here and overseas.

A Cake and Craft Fair for Motor Neurone Disease research was organised by Debby and raised the amazing sum of over £1,200 to help find a cure for this most devastating of diseases.


Due to the Pandemic, we have only had a couple of workshops this year – Wet and Dry felting.  But we are grateful to members, particularly Heather and Bridget who led these for us.  Hopefully, we will have more in the future.


During the year, all our members have experienced challenges due to illnesses (few of us escaped Covid) or accidents, either to ourselves or close family and in mid-August we were devastated to learn of the sudden and unexpected death of long-standing and treasured WWW, Marion Cooch.  Many of us attended her funeral with a colourful hand-knitted wreath; and with the agreement of her family, several of her unfinished projects were completed and returned to her loved ones.  She is sorely missed by us all.   We are a very supportive group and throughout the year we have helped and supported each other through challenging times.

Birthdays ending in a Nought or a Five

Several of us celebrated 'significant' birthdays in 2022 – One 85; several 75 and a 60!  After a number of postponements due to the dreaded Covid and other factors, we were finally able to enjoy Afternoon Tea at Painswick Hotel.  It was a splendid afternoon – there was a choice of menu for meaties or veggies – marvellous.  What a pleasure to enjoy such a wonderful time, which, of course, included a Secret Santa! Special thanks to Gaynor and Angie for their hard work organising the occasion. 


January 2018


Wild Woolly Women


We're called Wild Woolly Women because that's just what we are,

We knit and crochet many things from the tame to quite bizarre!

For Gloucestershire Arthritis Trust it's their Easter chicks we make,

Some are plain, but colourful whilst others are ornate.

This is our 'bread and butter' make, one which we do each year,

It uses up those odds and ends, each stash it helps to clear.

For Cheltenham Science Festival we knitted M.S. Cells,

They certainly were challenging and tested all our knitting skills.

We crafted many hundreds of brightly coloured Stars

which were looped through trees along the Prom to many Oohs and Aahs!

This was to raise the profile of the College of that name,

Which caters for young people who've suffered trauma to their brain.

We sent lots of squares to Africa for blankets and knee rugs,

And smaller ones for Hospitals to keep prem babies snug.

For disadvantaged youngsters we made each a little purse,

In which to keep those special things when it seems life can't be worse.

A poem did not faze us as we knitted many a word,

And at the Literary Festival our knitted words were heard.

 Lots of Twiddlemuffs we've also made for dementia patients who,

Find they calm their restless fingers and soothe their turmoil too.

We knitted lots of little folk; each a different character,

To help young children to explain “the what, the him, the her”.

A major highlight for the group was making 'The Third King',

For the Cathedral's Knitivity – he was the King with Zing!

And poppies?  We've made oodles of the red Remembrance Flower,

For the British Legion Cascade in the Parish Church's tower.

Now for Leckhampton's Hospice we're making Hearts and Flowers,

It could hardly be a better cause to while away the hours,

A knitted garden is the plan for this May's Malvern Show,

We're primed with knitting pins and yarn -  it's Ready, Steady, GO!


Pauline Farman



Our King, all ready for Gloucester Cathedral's, "Knitivity."
Lots of hard work, masterminded by Lynne, the Wild Woolly Women are very proud of their team effort. Balthazar


Wild Woolly Women knitting "TWIDDLEMUFFS" for Dementia Sufferers

A woolly man in our midst!! David getting stuck into knitting chicks! only another 289 to go of the 400 pledged to Gloucestershire Arthritis Trust. The chicks sold this Easter will help raise funds for a new Hydrotherapy pool.





 The Wild Woolly Women ran a stall, selling all their lovely hand crafted items to help fund raise for the National Star College. We enjoyed live music, cream teas and the sun shone too!




27th June 2014 STAR DAY 

The Wild Woolly Women hit the headlines again! "Heard the yarn about the statue's new bikini"(Gloucestershire Echo)  The Hare and the Minotaur on the Promenade, Cheltenham, were "Yarn Bombed " and star bunting festooned the trees, to fund raise for the National Star College. 



February 2014

Heart shaped pockets for children on the Heartease Project  




Spring 2013

We knitted over 200 Chicks, that were then filled with creme eggs and sold by us to raise money for Gloucestershire Arthritis Trust.




Our First Yarnbombing October 17th 2012

The Wild Woolly Women make the local paper, following are first "Yarnbombing," which was staged in Cirencester Woolmarket. We covered the Ram in knitting, to mark National Knitting and Love Wool Week. The passers by who enjoyed the spectacle, happily donated money to Cotswold Care Hospice.


Yarn Bombing Cirencester Woolmarket



World Wide Knit in Public Day June 16th 2012

We had a lovely day at Cirencester Organic Farm, teaching children to knit squares-they were then sewn up to make blankets for Aids victims in Africa.  The money raised was donated to Cotswold Care Hospice


WWKIP day June 16th 2012



The Knitted Dolls Summer 2012

These are the Character Dolls that we knitted, that are used during play therapy by an Educational Psychologist  with disadvantaged childern from difficult backgrounds.



Girls and Dolls



The Back to Back Challenge 12th May 2012

Pauline tries the practice jumper on Adam for size!! It was made during the training sessions by the the Cotswold Woolgathers in preparation for their entry in International Back to Back Challenge.



Pauline and Adam 



Dyeing Workshop at Cowley 20th July 2011 

A memorable day in lovely summer sunshine, we had such fun dyeing our handspun yarn using Indigo, Madder and Onion Skins.


Dyeing At Cowley



The Big Knit-Mutiple Sclerosis Society June 2010

Wild Woolly Women get involved in their first charitable event, hand knitting White Blood Cells and Neurons which were incorporated into a collage aimed at heightening awareness of the disease process of Mutiple Sclerosis.  It was displayed at the Cheltenham Science Festival.


The MS Big Knit